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Product Reviewed: Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol



Anabolic Powerhouse


Does Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol Work?


Note: This is a just review. To order, visit the Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol website.


Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol Revi

FDA regulation of the substances bodybuilders use to get and stay in peak physical condition just keep getting more and more restrictive. Full on anabolic steroids used to be used out in the open and completely legally all the time. But it’s been a long time since that was the case.


When they became illegal, prohormones swooped in to replace them. Then some of them were banned. Depending on certain designations, some were still available. But at this point, they’re all banned.


One thing we’ve learned along the way is that there will always be companies to push the envelope. Maybe one day, someone will stumble on something wildly effective and perfectly safe. Until then, the revolving door keeps revolving.


What Is Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol?


Now banned, Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol called itself a highly anabolic designer supplement that gave you all the benefits of anabolic steroids, but without the negative side effects. You can find lots of talk from guys who used it when it was legal. Judging by their experience, they made lots of gains, but we’re not so sure about a lack of side effects.


Basically, it was like “steroids-light.” Gains were good, but not “steroid good” and sides were there, but not as bad as you would expect with steroids.


Ultimately, Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol is no longer legally made or sold in the US. So what went wrong?


Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol Review 2Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol Ingredients


Looking at an old Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol label, here’s what’s in the stuff:


  • Anabolic Driver (Pro-Hormone) Prasterone (Delta-5-Androsten-3b-ol-17-one) (1) which is sometimes prescribed by doctors to treat MS, Lupus, and Alzheimer’s Disease. It also happens to have the ability to help promote weight loss and build muscle mass.
  • Estrogen Eliminator: ATD (6-Etioallochol-1,4-diene-3, 17-dione) which is banned in supplements because of its classification as a drug. There’s also concern that it can decrease bone density and lead to male infertility.
  • Injection Matrix: MX-C(3,7-Dihydro-1,3,7-trimethyl-1H-purine-2,6-dione) which is a fancy chemical name for caffeine. The 150 mg dose in Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol is a reasonable amount to produce energy without jitters.
  • Aphrodine HCI which is an alternative name for Yohimbe. (2)  It’s another central nervous system stimulant that does provide energy, but is also warned against by the FDA because of its potential to cause serious and dangerous side effects in some users. Specifically, Aphrodine HCI can cause a severe drop in blood pressure in much the same way the active ingredient in Viagra does.
  • Trigonella Isolates which is also known as Fenugreek. (3) It’s thought that Fenugreek can improve athletic performance.


It’s clear that one of the marketing tricks Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol used was to disguise the common, every day ingredients like Caffeine, Yohimbe, and Fenugreek by using their chemical names. This might also have worked to hide the illegality of the pro-hormone ingredients for a time.


The recommended dose was 3-4 Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol capsules a day for up to 8 weeks. Following your cycle, it was strongly recommended that you follow a PCT protocol to get your hormones re-balanced out.


There were all kinds of warning and cautions on the label as well. Don’t use if you have any medical conditions. Not for use by women or men under 21. Discontinue if you experience any side effects like hair loss, testicle shrinkage, acne, aggression, or gyno.


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Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol Before and After Reviews


Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol Revewi 3A lot of users really liked this stuff. The gains were usually quick, to the tune of 10 lbs in a week. Here are a few customer reviews:


“I have been using Superdrol for about two weeks and I have seen some amazing gains. I am 10lbs heavier and have gone from benching 365lbs to 405lbs…..I know this is pretty extreme sounding but I am serious. I have taken real “product” before and this feels very close to it.”

“I’m one week into my superdrol cycle. I started on 20mgs, and am bumping to 30 most likely. Weight is up 10 pounds with no fat gain. Diet has been full of oatmeal, steak, chicken, whey protein etc. One week in, my squat has jumped 40 pounds. All other lifts are up, my back workouts are amazing. When I’m done working my lats i feel like I have wings. Forearms get enormous pumps, which are awesome but annoying because it can be hard to hold really heavy weights for shrugs, etc.”


But then there’s this:


“I did not notice anything with this. will not use again.”


But that’s not unusual. Every supplement provokes at least a few opposite reactions.


Where to Buy Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol


Having been recalled by the FDA, Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol is no longer available to be purchased. I wouldn’t be surprised if some people still had some floating around, but not anywhere you can pinpoint.


Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol Pros


  • It worked for some guys.


Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol Cons


  • It’s no longer available due to being banned by the FDA.


Our Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol  Conclusion


They were pretty sneaky when you think about it. They tried to pass off common substances like Caffeine as something more mysterious. And they tried to pass off illegal drugs as natural ingredients. Some people did well on Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol, but plenty also experienced potentially dangerous side effects. You may have your reasons for using pro-hormones, but nobody should be in a position to use them unknowingly. There needs to be trust when purchasing and using a supplement. Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol did not build that kind of trust.

TS 17


RIP Anabolic Xtreme Superdrol.  Its gone and its not coming back.  In the mean time, Test Stack No 17 is still legal and probably your best bet for a designer supplement that pack on muscle.  You can read more about it, including the ingredients, by Clicking Here










(1) Anabolic steroids for the treatment of weight loss in HIV-infected individuals. Karen KJ Johns, MJ Beddall, RC Corrin. Cochrane Libraray. October 2005.


(2) Yohimbe. Pausinystalia johimbe (K.Schum.) Pierre. Sarah E. Edward, Inês da Costa Rocha, Elizabeth M. Williamson and Michael HeinrichPublished Online: 20 FEB 2015.


(3) Glycogen resynthesis and exercise performance with the addition of fenugreek extract (4-hydroxyisoleucine) to post-exercise carbohydrate feeding. D. Slivka, , J. Cuddy, , W. Hailes, , S. Harger, , B. Ruby. Amino Acids. , Volume 35, Issue 2, pp 439-444. First online:

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